Good Friday
We invite you to join us on Good Friday [...]
Easter Sunday
Come and celebrate the Resurrection with us at 10.30 [...]
Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly
The church of Saint John 117 Avenue Paul Doumer, Saint-Raphael, Var, FranceOn September 20th at 6pm the choir is presenting a [...]
Harvest Festival
The church of Saint John 117 Avenue Paul Doumer, Saint-Raphael, Var, FranceOn Sunday 22 September at 10.30 we will hold our [...]
Remembrance Sunday
The church of Saint John 117 Avenue Paul Doumer, Saint-Raphael, Var, FranceOn Sunday 10th November at 10.30 we will be commemorating [...]
Carol Service at Grimaud
We have been approached by the priest at the Eglise [...]
Carol Service
The church of Saint John 117 Avenue Paul Doumer, Saint-Raphael, Var, FranceOn Sunday December 22nd at 6pm we present our annual [...]
Christmas Day
The church of Saint John 117 Avenue Paul Doumer, Saint-Raphael, Var, FranceOn 25th December at 10.30 am there will be a [...]
Annual Quiz Lunch
The church of Saint John 117 Avenue Paul Doumer, Saint-Raphael, Var, FranceThe annual Quiz Lunch will take place in church on [...]
Good Friday
The church of Saint John 117 Avenue Paul Doumer, Saint-Raphael, Var, FranceOn Good Friday, 18 April, at 10.30am we will be [...]
Easter Sunday
We invite you to celebrate Easter with us at 10.30 [...]