
The costs of running The Church of Saint John The Evangelist are met almost entirely by generous giving from members of the congregation. Many people don’t realise this but it costs 120€ per day, every day of the year to operate the church. We also support local and international charities.
The church’s financial affairs are overseen by a Finance Committee and the Church Council which receives regular finance reports. A full financial report is presented to the AGM each year. Congregational members seeking to support The Church of St. John The Evangelist are encouraged to make a financial commitment via a pledge (typically monthly).
We encourage use of regular bank transfer, even for relatively small sums, as the easiest way for the church to receive financial support. Pledges or one-off donations can be made to our account with the Diocese in Europe using the Diocesan Just Giving website here: . Be sure and note on this website that it is for St John’s, Saint-Raphael.
Giving in France

If you have any questions about giving to The Church of St. John The Evangelist or about the church’s finances in general, please contact us through or contact page so that we can put you in touch with either the treasurer or the Church Council.
Thank you very much for your generosity
Gifts are tax deductible in France
Crédit Agricole, Fréjus
Account: Assoc Eglise Anglicane
IBAN 19106 00004 04725230007 87
BIC FR76 1910 6000 0404 7252 3000 787

Giving in the UK

UK taxpayers can maximise their gifts to St. John’s by making donations via the Diocese in Europe London office.
Transfers to the bank account of the Diocese can be made in sterling, please contact Nick Wraight at and mention that your gift is for St-John’s in Saint-Raphael.
The Diocese will obtain “Gift Aid” on our behalf from the UK Government, equaling 25% of the gift. The Diocese will then pass on to St. John’s the donation and the applicable gift aid.
Please note that a deduction from taxable income is not available in the UK.
Please use the Diocese in Europe’s Just Giving Website here:
and specify for St John’s, St Raphaël, France