After a moving service of Holy Communion on 29 December, we gathered round an amazing spread of buffet treats, plus Prosecco, to say our final farewells to Tom and Dawn after 7 years of encouraging, supportive and teaching ministry. There were the regular attenders, plus some old friends, and representatives from the other denominations in the area as we are all part of the ecumenical group. Tom and Dawn are moving to Normandy, where he will be helping out at the local Anglican churches in that area as a retired priest. Dawn hopes to follow his example and retire as soon as her employers will allow. We will miss them greatly and wish them well in their new life, with God’s blessing surrounding them.
St John’s is now in an “interregnum” while the Archdeacon looks for a replacement priest for us, but we will continue to meet every Sunday morning for communion when we have visiting priests, including our resident retired priest Keith Bretel, and for Morning Prayer led by worship leaders on the other Sundays. We cannot speculate as to how long the wait will be, but we hope someone suitable will be found quickly.