Our Music

Music plays an important part in the services at St John’s and a sung setting is used for the weekly communion service – the “Mass of St Benedict” by Margaret Rizza. The hymnbook we use is the latest edition of “Anglican Hymns Old and New” and each week there is usually a mixture of traditional hymns and newer songs.
There is a small choir that leads the singing, but the congregation does not hold back and there is never a fear of feeling embarrassed if you enjoy singing, as happens in some churches! The choir sits at the front of the church near the organ and aims to produce an anthem for special Sundays throughout the year, but it is not easy to rehearse as some members live considerable distances from the church. There are also special concerts or musical services in spring and autumn. Choir practice is held in church at 9.15am on the first, third and fifth Sundays of the month. If you stay for any length of time in the area and would like to be part of the choir, you need to be able to read music and to be able to sing four-part harmony. If this is the case, please join us at choir practices.
There is an organist who lives in the area full time, who plays a keyboard or an electronic organ which has 2 manuals and a full pedal board. We also have a skilled violinist among our congregation who plays for the services and concerts. We have a resident guitarist and double bass player who form the music group which plays from time to time.
If you are a visitor to the church and require the music editions of the hymnbook and service setting, please ask the sidesperson who welcomes you or the organist. If you would like to play for the services during your stay, please use the contact details on this website so that you can be incorporated into the rota.
St John’s is affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music. See www.rscm.org.uk