On 20 December we joined with our friends at Eglise Saint-Michel in Grimaud for a service of Nine Lessons and Carols, where our choir sang an anthem in French, and half the lessons were read in French. The carols were the traditional English ones, apart from “Il est ne le petit enfant”. The church was full – standing room only – the Mayor was in attendance, and our organist had the opportunity to play the beautiful pipe organ, acquired a few years ago.
On 22 December we celebrated Nine Lessons and Carols at St John’s, but with a difference. The carols were all the well-loved ones, the choir sang two anthems (one in French), but the lessons were read in different languages and Scots dialect, to reflect the variety of nationalities worshipping together in our church. We served home-made mince pies and mulled wine after the service to our many visitors.
On Christmas Day we celebrated Holy Communion in a joyful musical service, with visitors and holiday-makers present – some of whom come every year. The choir and congregation sang the well-known carols heartily, accompanied by our regular musicians Shirley (organ) and Lauren (violin) but with the addition of Lauren’s father Andrew on holiday from Paris, who played the keyboard and sang a moving solo. The Chaplain, Tom, gave a thought-provoking homily. Some of us then went to a local hotel for a superb Christmas meal together as we were unable to be with our families.